The search begins...

The open windows let in a calming breeze
soft linens gently rise and then neatly fall to rest
our bodies intertwine and purr... peace
sleep comes easy after such a beautiful day

Morning rises in darkness...
misty clouds drop rain in silken strands
I'll drive, wish we didn't have to travel so far
can I get a cup of coffee?

Wipers tempo turned up and the window is still wet
didn't even see the van slam against our side
a sudden thump that caused us to crumble and then expand
in a puddle looking up I see a small dot causing me to squint

Must have been a dream, she thought...
I'm in my bed and don't feel any pain, it looks sunny out
It was just a dream... honey.... hey babe
Maybe he went to get his coffee.

©2004 Sean Muzzy


Anonymous said…
You have me wondering.

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