February 17, 2001

I remember when I first saw you smile, and your laugh
No words could express
Your beauty was something that I never thought
I would be able you write about
But the tempest that had me lost at sea
Subsided when our lips first touched
The sun kissed the waves and melted the thunderous clouds
Allowing me to safely reach shore

It is your smile that makes me strive to be a better man
Your compassion and honesty that crush my stubborn pride
Loving you opens my eyes to azure tides and lush green meadows
I dream all dreams with you in mind

The sun rose a long time ago... The sunset never near
Today we set out on a new journey
Fair winds will fill our sails and there is nothing to fear
With each kiss I promise you this...
That my brush strokes will capture your true beauty
That we will nurture each other's souls
As we lie under the star filled sky
Hand in hand, you and I
Sweet smile, white wine laced lips


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