the switch just flips on...

my head tilted down
my mind empty
then, I see it staring back at me
into the whites of my eyes
speckles on a gray rug
tiny dots that were designed
to add texture to something
as mundane as regional air travel
with forever broken snack trays
worn leather seats
and interior panels that resemble
personal computer casings circa 1993
the overhead was designed to stow
the smallest of satchels
as I sit with my knees planted in my chin
but it's the sunset that ignites my mind
a ritual I can't escape
my heart rate quickens
watching the colors shift and roll
clouds trace and outline the frame
in front of me
my eyes will always be open to
the beautiful
the sick
the absurd
to the rush of blood
that flows into my finger tips
powering pen on paper
I will watch it all
I will consume it all
and when I'm done
I will give thanks
to the creator of this crime drama
that I've found myself cast in
quietly hoping
that I'm the hero
and not the villain.

©2009 Sean Muzzy


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